With the high mountains still covered in snow and lots of miles to cover on very few open routes, I needed a little something extra these last couple of weeks to deflect a tad of the monotony that's marked my solo long runs of late. So where did I turn? To Homer, of course. Specifically, the
audiobook of the
Iliad, which tells the tale of the Battle of Troy and whose wild cast of characters--immortals and humans alike--paint a portrait of existence that
oscillates madly between the petty and heroic; poetic and pathetic. It's an unhinged ride, forged in the oral tradition, that's been a perfect companion on many of my multi-hour solo runs.
Now through Book 5, here are a few of the running-related messages I've gleaned so far from the epic:
- Listen to the higher voice that counsels patience and restraint--as Achilles the Runner listened to Palace Athena--as it will lead to the broader victory later.
- Never take on an immortal in battle unless you have a powerful immortal on your side as well. All you young guns toeing the line at Western States better take note of this one.
- Defeat can weave a very rich, if bloody, tale.
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